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Remote Education and School Closure information

Remote Education

In event of school closure, our first day response plan:

Every day, your child should complete the following:

  • Reading a book – this can be a class reader or one of their own choice.
  • Maths – your child should access their online Doodle maths/TT Rockstars account and spend a minimum of 30 minutes online.
  • Spelling – learn spellings from weekly spellings/Year group spellings
  • English – Write a diary of their day
  • Project - complete a project on a topic they are interested in. This should cover Geography, History, Science, Art and DT. Be as createive as you like!
  • P.E - please visit the ‘Go Noodle’ website and ‘Cosmic kids’ yoga’ for some physical activity ideas.

Should a longer period of closure/absence occur we use Google classroom to provide remote education for our pupils.

Each child has their own username and password to login.

Teachers will assign work to be completed within your child's google classroom. This can then be submitted to teacher when completed for marking.

School Closure Information

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