Mission Statement
With Christ at the centre and children at the heart,
we learn to love and love to learn.
My mission is to educate and nurture children, following the example of Jesus so that they can achieve their full potential, academically and spiritually. I want children to become lifelong learners and make a difference to the world around them. My mission is to help children grow emotionally, socially and academically. To teach with kindness, respect and honesty, to be a good role model. I do this so that every child has the best start to lead a happy and successful life. My mission is to support our children in fulfilling their needs. To listen and provide love and care for the children making them fell happy, loved and safe. I feel passionate in my role as a Teaching Assistant, I enjoy my job and like to think I make a difference in meeting the needs of the children. My mission is to see every child’s full potential. Everyone grows in different ways. My mission is to support children’s learning through listening, loving, respecting and guiding them to give the children the greatest possible chance to achieve their full potential and become children of God. My mission is to be a supportive, caring and positive teacher for all children at St.Bridget’s. I will complete my mission through providing high quality teaching whilst thinking of all children’s needs. I do this to ensure children are safe and happy. My mission is to teach, guide and inspire pupils to be the best they can be. My mission is to support children. I do this through kindness, patience and promoting equality. I do this because I believe all children deserve to be happy, safe and feel as they belong. My mission is to work as part of a team to help children to be the best they can be in the eyes and love of God and themselves. My mission is to teach and guide children by showing them all love, respect and care to ensure they have the best start to their life irrespective of their background. My mission is to inspire children to want to learn. This will be done through love, trust, hard work and a drive to meet all challenges that arise. I do this so that all children can achieve the highest level of their ability. My mission is to help children to be the best version of themselves, through loving respect of the child and their family. Educating the whole child, showing integrity and ensuring their experiences are happy ones. I do it to make a difference to a child’s life and to future society. My mission is to care, guide and educate, with support, love and kindness. To inspire others to achieve their best. My mission is to support children’s learning and encourage them to be the best they can be. My mission is to welcome everyone with a happy, friendly smile, help everyone as a central point of the school. To do my best, add and hopefully make a difference. My mission is to teach, inspire and to create independent learners with Christ at the Centre. My mission is to educate children. I aim to do this by promoting the values of respect, hard work and determination. I do this because I love to see children grow, progress and achieve both in school and as people. My mission is to inspire and guide our children to a better world with God’s love. My mission is to watch and control the finance in the school, to do the best job and to make a difference in the school because I belong to a caring school. My mission is to keep children safe. Caring, listening and acting upon. Caring about children and families with love, growth and fun. I listen intently, love endlessly and learn by mistakes. My mission is to help others and provide a good, safe environment for our children. Being part of a team is important to me. My mission is to teach and support, celebrating individuality to give each child the best start in life.

Our Values