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Welcome to the Year 5 class page! - under construction

My name is Miss Irwin-Holland and I have the great pleasure of teaching Year 5  this year. I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning supported by Mrs Withers (Teaching Assistant). Mrs Watson will also be teaching Year 5 on a Thursday morning.

On this page you will find lots of information and pictures reagarding your child's learning. This will be updated regularly with class news and links to websites to support learning.

The knowledge organisers demonstrate what Year 5 will be learning in each topic. They provide a great opportunity to have a discussion with your child about their learning. 


Important Information

The School Day

Magic Breakfast will be available for the children from 8:40am when our door opens.
Registration will then take place at 8:45am
School ends at 3.15pm 

Contact the Teacher

I  promote an open door policy, any concerns, questions or worries please come and see me. I look forward to working in partnership with you, to help your child be the very best they can.


If you wish to email, please send an email to:



Please support your child to develop their reading skills by hearing them read at least 3 times a week. 

Children can read a book or use Reading Plus.

Home reading should be recorded in reading records and returned to school every Friday. 



15 spellings will be sent home on Mondays every two weeks. These should be practised regularly at home. They will be tested every two weeks. 

Times Tables

Each child has their own login to Times Tables Rockstars. Children should access this website 3 times per week. This will be monitored online weekly. There will be a times table test every Friday


PE lessons will take place every Tuesday and Friday. 

Children should come to school in the correct PE kit on their PE days.

PE kit:

  • Plain white t-shirt/polo,
  • Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings.
  • Black jumper/hoodie.
  • No logos.

Age Related Expectations

Year 5 Long Term Plan 2022-2023

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