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Rights Respecting Schools Award

We are proud to be a Silver ‘Rights Respecting School’.


Why Rights Respecting Schools?

We are delighted that we have been accredited with this prestigious award by UNICEF, a leading organisation supporting children and their rights across the world.  It supports schools across the UK to embed human rights in their ethos and culture. The award recognises achievement in putting the UNCRC at the heart of the schools practice to improve well-being and help all children realise their potential.

"Staff are committed to developing a rights respecting ethos that ties in into the vision and values of a Catholic school".

"Pupils learn about global issues that can impact children's rights and they feel empowered to act".

"Pupils feel strongly that they can use their voice and spread awareness about rights"

"Pupils feel safe and protected and know what to do to access support".

"Physical and mental health and well-being are priorities for pupils". 

"Inclusion and diversity are celebrated and promoted by all members of the school". 

Unicef, 2024.


The ‘Rights Respecting School Award’ (RRSA) helps our children grow into thoughtful, respectful and responsible young members of the school and wider community. By learning about their rights, our children also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others.


Rights Respecting Crew

The Rights Respecting Crew are an integral part of ensuring that pupils recieve their rights. The children meet once a month to decide which article we will focus on during the next month.

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