Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Gleave who can be contacted via the school office from Wednesday to Friday on 01925 811873 or by email: stbridgets_primary_senco@sch.warrington.gov.uk
If your query is urgent and Mrs Gleave is not available, please leave a message with our office staff who will alert someone who can assist you.
What is SEND?
At St.Bridget's Catholic primary school we have excellent provision for all of our children who are on the SEND register.
We provide high-quality teaching and learning for all pupils in a calm, nurturing environment that has been designed by our staff to support the needs of our children.
Teachers have developed a range of strategies that they can use to support your child. Our ambitious curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to provide the knowledge and skills for future learning and employment for all learners.
What do I do if I think my child may have SEND?
Parents and carers know their children best and we listen and understand when they express concerns about their child's development.
We also listen and address any concerns raised by the child themselves.
If you think your child may have SEND or requires additional support, please speak to your class teacher or arrange an appointment to speak to Mrs Gleave via the phone number and email provided above.
At St Bridget's, we follow a graduated response to SEND. Please see information below on our pathways to support for Speech and Language, Neurodiversity, Dyslexia and Social, Emotional and Mental Health.
SEND Local Offer
The new Warrington SEND Local Offer is available to view via the link below.
Warrington’s Local Offer has lots of information about the support and services that are available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families in Warrington.