Our Uniform
At St Bridget's Catholic Primary School we are very proud of our school uniform. We hope that parents share our views and support the wearing of the school uniform.
Please ensure all clothing and property is labelled with your child's name.
Grey trousers, white shirt, red tie, bottle green 'V' neck pullover with school logo, black shoes, grey socks.
Royal Stuart tartan kilt, white blouse, red tie (optional), bottle green cardigan with school logo, black shoes, white socks or tights in school colours. Straight grey trousers may be born in winter.
In warm weather, green and white check dresses; grey shorts and, short sleeved shirts may be worn.
All items of school uniform can be purchased from Warrington School Wear, 50-54 Buttermarket Street, Warrington. Ties, book bags and P E bags are available from the school office.
All children must have black shorts, white T-shirt or polo shirt and pumps or trainers. No logos or brand names.
Pupils are discouraged from coming to school with hairstyles that are inappropriate, such as hair with shapes shaven in, streaked/bleached hair or any extreme hairstyle. Long hair must be tied up with plain hair bobbles (school colours only).
No jewellery is to be worn except for stud earrings or watches. Items such as rings, bracelets and dangling earrings can be dangerous during certain lessons and activities. Teachers will not be responsible for any form of jewellery including watches, or for any accidents that occur if jewellery is worn.
Warrington School Wear: 01925 576868
Our website link for your school is:
Parents can shop online or in store
Online shopping can be delivered or collected in store.
Alternatively, parents can shop in store.