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Welcome to Year 1's class page. 

Year 1 will be taught by Miss Woodward and supported by Mrs Matthews. Year 1 will also be taught by Mrs Smith on a Tuesday morning. We are looking forwards to an exciting year of learning with the children. 

On this page you will find lots of important information and photographs of the exciting things that we will get up to in class. It will also be updated regularly with class news and links to websites that you may find helpful to support your child's learning. 

Should you have any questions, worries or concerns, please come and see me on the door in the mornings or at pick up. Alternatively you can email - sophie.woodward@stbridgetscps.co.uk

 I look forward to working in partnership with you to help your child achieve their best. 

School Day

Doors open at 8:35am when breakfast will be available for the children. Doors close at 8:45am when the class register will be taken. 

School ends at 3:15pm, children should be collected from Year 1 door. 

Please ensure your child comes to school with a named water bottle every day. 

Fruit is provided as a snack for children in KS1.


Year 1 will have P.E every Monday and Thursday. Children should come to school in the correct PE uniform. Plain white t-shirt/polo, plain black leggings, joggers or shorts, plain black jacket/school jumper (no logos on PE uniform). Children must also take their earrings out to participate in the lesson. If your child is unable to remove their earrings themselves, please ensure this is done before the start of school. 


In Year 1 homework will consist of:

  • Reading - Ensure your child reads their Reading book 3 times per week and sign their reading record. Reading books will be changed every Friday.
  • Spelling - Ensure your child practices their Spellings at home using the sheet provided. Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and should be returned on a Friday. Children will be tested on their Spellings on Friday. 
  • Maths - Ensure your child accesses Doodle Maths 3 times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes per week. 

Phonics Screening Check

In June, the Year 1 children are tested on their Phonics Knowledge in their Phonics Screening Assessment. They will be asked to read real and nonsense words to show their knowledge of the phonemes and graphemes that have been taught in their past two school years. At St Bridget's we follow the Little Wandle Phonics programme. Please support your child with their Phonics learning by ensuring that they practice reading at home. 

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