The DSL (Designated Safeguarding Leader) and DDSL (Deputy Designated safeguarding Leader) in St Bridget's are Mrs Dobson and Mrs Barker respectively
DSL and DDSL takes the lead responsibility for for dealing with safeguarding and child protection in school. They act as a source of support, advice and expertise within school when deciding when to make a referral by liasing with relevant agencies. They recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when it is appropriate, make referrals to social care.
The DSL provides whole school staff safeguarding training on a yearly basis; as it is the responsibility of all staff to safeguard our children. DSL is aware of the three partnerships (Local authorities, Chief Officers of Police and Clinical Commisioning Groups) and how it operates. The DSL or DDSL will attend child protection case conferences when required and understands the importance of effective communication during these meetings.The DSL ensures all staff have access to and understand the school safeguarding policy.
Safeguarding policies

Childline Number

NSPCC poster

Operation Encompass
Early Help
The purpose of Early Help is to prevent any issue escalting by opffering support in a timely manner. Any professional working with a child, young person or the family, such as those based in school, can offer Early Help services by responding to identified needs in order to offer suppport, intervention and identification. It is fundemental to identify any causes or explanations for these concerns. Children in school settings across all Key Stages may present with some additional needs which could impact on their attendance and attainment.
County Lines

CAMHS visit https://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/our-services/warrington/child-and-adolescent-mental-health-service-crisis-response-team

Prevent Duty

Prevent Definitions

Prevent Strategy